Arc Welding Rapidshare

Weld spatter can be the bane of any manufacturer’s existence. When weld spatter builds up along a weld, it takes away from the aesthetic of the work piece, and it has to be ground off, which means the piece takes longer to move along the production process.


Arc Welding Company

Arc Welding Rapidshare

By using Lincoln Electric RapidArc waveform control technology during your application, you will get less weld spatter and faster travel speeds for your welding application.While lower weld spatter is a key benefit of investing in LE’s RapidArc technology, it is definitely not the only benefit. As mentioned above, Rapid Arc allows for arc stability at a lower voltage during the weld, according to Lincoln Electric. This allows an increase in speed of up to 30 percent, decreasing cycle times significantly, and saving companies time and money on labor and production costs.The increase in speed, low weld spatter, lower heat input and a superior bead profile make pulsed welding with Lincoln Electric’s RapidArc a great choice for automated steel welding applications. The combination of lower heat, tight arc length control and fast follow make it the perfect application for steel components 1.5-4mm thick. The LE RapidArc also has the ability to weld thicker materials, up to 12.7mm thick, Lincoln Electric stated.Overall, the RapidArc by Lincoln Electric will speed up your pulsed welding applications and improve your weld appearance, while also saving you time on post-weld cleanup.Are you interested in learning more about the RapidArc from Lincoln Electric?

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Then you should call RobotWorx, a certified integrator for several different robotics companies, including,. We work with companies like Lincoln Electric to ensure that our robotic systems have the best parts, features and welding packages available.For more information, contact today or at 740-251-4312.