Hera Trials Of The Goddess Obscura Camera

Scler/o sclera of light emitted by our eyes vs. Intromission visual perception emitted into our eyes Sclerokeratoiritis = inflammation of the sclera, cornea and iris. Camera obscura: l. Camera large room, l. Obscura dark. Aqueous humor = watery fluid between cornea and lens of eyes.
Hera The Goddess Crimes
Aqueductus cerebri = canal connecting third and fourth ventricles. Anisocorea: pupil little doll, little person. Lacrim/o tear that fills the chamber of the eye between the retina and the lens.
Fornication = sexual intercourse outside of marriage. Lacrimal apparatus = structures that secrete and drain tears from the eyes. Dacryocystitis = inflammation of the lacrimal sac causing obstruction of the tube draining tears into the nose. Dacryoadenalgia = pain in the lacrimal gland. Oculogyria = limits of rotations of eyeball. Ophthalmotropometer = instrument for measuring ocular movements. Panoptic: roman prostitutes used to hang out under the arches of bridges.
Hera Goddess Of Death

Corneoblepharon = adhesion of the eyelid margin to the cornea.
(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned)(mentioned) “You understand nothing. My first family: dead. My life wasted on ridiculous quests. My second wife dead, after being tricked into poisoning me and leaving me to a painful demise. And my compensation? I got to become a minor god. Immortal, so I can never forget my pain.
Stuck here as a gatekeeper, a doorman, a a butler for the Olympians. No, you don’t understand.”–Hercules to, inHercules is regarded as one of the greatest heroes of all time.
He was born as the son of and the mortal Alcmene. Hercules married, the of youth after attaining godhood. His original Greek counterpart is Heracles (meaning 'Glory of Hera').