Msdn Subscriber Site
Description:Visual Studio Professional is an integrated development environment (IDE) for individual developers and small teams. It supports development of applications for Windows, SharePoint, the cloud, or web and mobile-device platforms.This donation provides one license and a subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). The MSDN subscription includes a server license for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and one CAL. See a summary of for specific licensing details. Need More Than 50 Licenses?Eligible organizations can at a nonprofit discount through TechSoup Canada.

Visual Studio Msdn Subscriber Site

We strongly recommend maximizing your allotment of donated licences (up to 50 licences) before requesting additional Microsoft licences at a discount. Which Versions of This Software Are Available?You can choose to download the current or previous version of the software in any language that's available through the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center if you request this product.
MSDN Subscriber DownloadsTechnical information about the files available for downloading on official site from “MSDN Subscriber Downloads” section. All technical information is taken from the official website and is not altered in any way, so you can use it as a reliable reference source. There you can information about 42512 files, including various applications, operating systems, tools and much more.
If you want to search for a specific file in the “MSDN Subscriber Downloads” section, enter the file name, MSDN code, SHA-1 hash, or any keyword from the title or file description in the field below.