Pat Files For Revit Architecture
I'm trying to use a hatch pattern to represent a circular frit on some glazing. The pattern is diagonal, similar to a staggered hole perforated metal. It's not necessary that we get the dimensions 100% correct as it's for representation in elevations and 3d views.I can't for the life of me get any pattern to show up properly.
It either goes crazy on import or shows up fine in the fill pattern preview but is just a solid gray when inserted into the model. This might be due to the fact that.pat files don't do curves, so there are a lot of teeny little lines in the pattern, which is tricking revit into thinking that the pattern is so closely spaced it should show it as gray.Anybody come up with a solution to this problem? First of all, thank you so much for your help. This is fantastic.Revit, for whatever reason, appears to be unable to handle hatches with very short line segments, like the circle hatch. I'm having a similar issue with this pattern that I had with previous attempts - it appears as a solid fill most of the time. If I switch to 12' = 1'-0' scale and zoom way in it will appear, otherwise I get solid black.The hex pattern, however, looks and works great. This is probably the best workaround for the time being.

Pat Files For Revit Architecture Pdf
Free download sap fico software for practice. HEX is particularly efficient because it interweaves just 3 pattern elements to portray hexagons at a fixed spacing but it can only be scaled - you cannot vary the hexagon spacing without varying the hexagon size.Attached is a FRIT8 pattern based on an octagon circumscribing a 1' circle staggered at 2' centers. I would be most interested to learn how well it performs compared with HEX2.5 in practice. This pattern can be changed to vary element spacing.We also benefit immensely by learning where detail becomes too small to model practically within Revit. It's apparent that the earlier FRIT pattern fell below that threshold.Hugh Adamson.