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Chess Explained: The Classical Sicilian and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Chess Explained: The Classical Sicilian Paperback – March 1, 2006. Chess Explained is a new series of books about chess openings. CHESS EXPLAINED THE CLASSICAL SICILIAN (Alex Yermolinsky) 112 pages (248 mm. Download a pdf file with a sample from the book. “Yermo's book.
Offset Tracking in More DetailREVISED! This tutorial shows offset tracking being used for temporary tracking when the primary feature is occluded. It shows a complete sequence of a basic offset-tracked section, a second section with a different temporary feature, shows what happens when the tracking direction is changed, and shows different reference features being used during the same occlusion. New version for SynthEyes 1502+. See in the Download Examples.2015-01-31. 14:32 long.★★. Wait, Over Here: Intro to Offset TrackingOffset tracking is a new feature in SynthEyes 2011 that allows difficult tracks to be performed using nearby easier tracks as a base.

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This is most useful when a track must be created for a corner moving over a rapidly-varying background. A tracker in the interior can serve as the base. This tutorial also shows using the Hi-pass filter option in the image preprocessor to make tracking easier on something changing rapidly in brightness.2010-11-23.