Age Mythology Titans
The Titan units in AoM:TT are by far the most powerful units inthe game. Although summoning out doesn’t give you aninstant win, your opponent can’t do much to hold off thebehemoth besides build one of his own; otherwise, your Titan willjust tear through everything. Although each Titan as a specialattack, they all have the same stats which are as follows:Hitpoints: 7000Crush Attack: 70Hack Armor: 89%Pierce Armor: 94%As you can see, they’re nearly impossible to take out withconventional armies. However, it is possible to kill a Titanwithout another of your own. Heroes do have the same bonus attackagainst Titans as they do against other myth units, meaning massedHersirs, Priests, or Heroes of Ragnarok could possibly take out thelumbering giants. Since they are so difficult to destroy, the bestway to take out a titan is stop the summoning of it before it evengets a chance to start fighting.Unleashing a TitanAs you might expect, it takes quite a lot of work to summon aTitan. In order to gain control of one of these units, you mustfirst reach the Mythic Age.
Age Of Mythology Titans Gods
Upon reaching Mythic, you’ll haveto research the “Titan Age”. The name is slightlymisleading though, as the only thing that you’ll get afterfinishing the research of the Titan Age is a Titan Gate. The TitanGate icon will appear directly below your god power icons, andyou’ll be able to place the gate just like a normal building.After placing the Titan Gate, you’ll have to get yourvillagers to working on the gate, just like a Wonder.
Download finale 2012 academic version with bonus garritan sound library. As I saidbefore, this is the time where you’re most vulnerable toattack. Your economy will be effectively shut down with all ofyour villagers working on the Titan Gate, you’ll have spenthuge sums of money to get the gate, and your enemies will surelybe pouring in from every part of the map. On top of that, godpowers can have a fairly strong effect against the gate. In itsearly stages, a Meteor Shower or Earthquake can effectively takeit out.If your gate survives the repeated attacks that you’lldefinitely get until your villagers complete it, your Titan willemerge from the gate and will be ready to wreak havoc on yourenemies.Using the TitanOnce you’ve unleashed your Titan upon the world, you’vegot to use it to utterly destroy your enemies, of course.Having a whopping 70 crush attack, Titans can slice throughbuildings like a warm knife through butter. But that’s notthe only thing they’re good for, Titans can also beat thesnot out of most any unit in the game. Though, as stated before,they are far less effective against heroes. Heroes aren’t asbadly effected by the Titan’s special attack, and heroes alsoall have attack multipliers against them.
Huge armies of heroesshould be able to be enough to knock out your Titan.But you shouldn’t just sit back and let that happen. Atthis point, a large support army should already be on the field,ready to coordinate attacks with the Titan or just to support it.And, considering human units are quite effective against heroes,your support army should be enough to make sure your Titanisn’t taken out by a sweeping blow by an army of heroes.Titan WeaknessesTitans may be powerful, intimidating behemoths, but they’renot flawless. Titans do have some weaknesses, and understandingthem should allow you to more effectively use a Titan and fightagainst one.Crossing water? Sorry, Titans have absolutely no way to cross anyspan of water. You can’t use Underworld Passage, TransportShips, and they can’t just walk through it. Once youunleash a Titan on a landmass, it can’t go to another.
Thismeans the place where you put down your Titan gate should be verycarefully chosen on any map with bodies of water. Maps likeIslands, Nile, and Team Migration should prove to be problematicfor those that want to unleash a Titan.Titans cannot heal; just like the Son of Osiris and Nidhogg. Onceit’s damaged, it’s damaged. So, if your enemy keepshitting your Titan, it can eventually be killed. Also, Bolt mightnot completely kill the Titan, but it does inflict considerabledamage on it: around 1200 hitpoints are instantly taken from it. WARNING: Content Distribution is ProhibitedCopyright © 2001–2019 HeavenGames LLC.
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