Aura Kingdom Free Download Client
Hey,finally we are finished with the Java to C# port and added some version compatibilities so you can download our first beta version of the bot to give us some feedback and ideas for future features.Here is a list of the provided features:KNOWN PROBLEMS:On some clients the map coordinates seem to be sligtly off. That means the bot will probably not work for you, because he will use the map very frequently. We are working to resolve the issue.RequirementsScreen: 1024x768 or 1920x1080OS: Win7, Win8, Win8.1 (tested)UI-Scale: 100%German or English ClientBot running as AdministratorAutomated Login and Accountmanagement (Optional)You can enter your email + password + (2nd password) to automate your login. The bot will type everything for you! Even the secondary-password on english servers. Your passwords will be saved encrypted at your pc.(%appdata%) If you don't trust us.
Don't be sad, you can use the bot without this feature.For the automated start of Aura Kingdom without Ignite you have to choose the path of your Aurakingdom folder.This might not work for clients other than the oiginal german or english client.Automated Farming/Selling/Repairing/TravelingYou can choose a mob out of our moblist and your character will travel to the correct farmingspot and start farming. If the bot is too far away of the initial spot, he will return!

After a while the bot will repair its weapons, sell all the items he has gathered and return to its farming spot!If you die you will return to the initial farming spot. Of course you can set your own farming spots by simply pressing F10 wherever you are.HotkeysYou can kill the bot with F11.You start/pause the bot at your current point with F10.You can press F9 to return to the merchant and repair your weapons.Intelligent Cooldown ManagementThe bot will use the skills 1 - 7. If they are on cooldown he won't use them.Skill 8 is reserved for a healing spell that will be used if you are damaged.Crtl + 1 has to be your mount.StatsThe GUI provides some information about the monsters killed and the exp you gain per monster (if you selected a mob from the dropbox) and a total amount of experienced gained in your current session.!UPDATES!There will be newer versions of the bot in this thread. Title will be changed if we release a newer version.Upcoming Features:-Automated solo dungeons-Support for all resolutions-Teamdungeons-Quests?-Class AIfirst post here:Hey,are there any Aura Kingdom Bots that are viable and used very much?And would you. Yes, you, want to have a better bot with more functionality than just press some keys like a simple macro?Like, automated travelling, selling of loot, repairing weapons, cooldown control and more?Sounds great?Let me knowcheers,botgrammingedit: Do you have any functionality wishes? What should a bot be capable of?
We are happy about every idea. Ok.There are multiple ways to track bots:- simple key press frequency- reports from players seeing stupid bahaviors (generally key press sequences)- dll injections, or extern process accesses- client binary modificationsFrom what I see Aeria does nothing. Even reports seems useless so I can't really say if dll injection is safer than key press simulation.I personnally use the dll injection way to do it because I can do everything the game does originally (and even more). But the problem of this method is that it requires reverse engineering of the original code I want to use and because of this, a lot a free time that I don't have. Plus the fact that eacjh client update breaks nearly everything.So based on this observations, programming a bot the way you do will save you from these problems, and additionnaly make the bot nearly compatible with all version of the client (fr, de, eu, private, etc.). Yep!My only concern is about crashes. The game creates a dump and zip it with logs and additionnal informations when restarting the launcher.
I usually delete the dump before restarting the launcher but end users won't when using a dll-injection-based bot. At the end they probably have the information that a dll has been injected but they probably don't care about this and just discard the crash report (more likely because aeria is just an editor that bought a licence from the real developpers, and devs don't really care about account bans).
After you have successfully downloaded the game client. You are required to install the game. Follow the simple and quick instructions below:Please accept the terms to be available to play the game and begin installing. If you do not accept, you will not be prompted to start the game.Click 'Next' and choose where to put the game files in your computer. Organize it so you know where to find it in the future.After that, click Next again and the installation will begin. There's a point in time that this screen pops up:Extracting Aura Kingdom data files.This is the only time to be Patient.
Aura Kingdom Mobile Download
Wait for the extraction to hit 100% before going to the next step. If it ever fails, there is a chance that the screen might pop up again and restart extracting.Well done, you have finished the installation. Finally, click 'Next' and the screen get replaced with:The last step is to click 'Finish' and the setup closes. Go back to your desktop if you haven't already. A desktop icon shortcut should be there. If you didn't select this option, then go to your Start menu and there should be an Aura Kingdom icon.
Aura Kingdom Sea
The icon should look like this.