Empire Earth 2 Full Version Rip

Download Empire Earth 2 Full Crack

Empire Earth 2 Full Version Ripe
Real-time strategists lead humble, stone-age tribes to conquer the world, through 15 epochs spanning 12,000 years of humankind's past, present, and future, in this Mad Doc Software sequel to Stainless Steel Studios' critically acclaimed Empire Earth. Free-form and multiplayer gamers can choose their factions from a wide selection - German, British, Roman, American, Greek, Egyptian, Turkish, Babylonian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Incan, Aztec, or Mayan - each designed to portray a distinct cultural identity. The game offers three built-in single-player campaigns: Korean (early epochs), German (middle epochs), and American (late epochs).While keeping with the theme of military, economic, and political domination throughout the ages of history, Empire Earth II strives to be bigger than its predecessor in nearly every way, offering more modes, larger maps, more than 275 structures, and over 350 units available unit types. Other features, such as picture-in-picture command windows, a 'Citizen Manager' feature, and changing weather are also designed to enhance the experience of striving for global dominance. Civilizations can now construct walls, bridges, and roads that offer appropriate bonuses to travel, trade, and defense.Developer Mad Doc Software previously worked Legends of Aranna, the stand-alone expansion for the original Dungeon Siege, as well as Art of Conquest, the official add-on for the original Empire Earth. Mad Doc is led by Ian Lane Davis, an accomplished game designer with a doctorate in artificial intelligence.