Graha Mandal Horoscope Software
Dear Sir/Madame,e-Jyotish is pleased to announce in collabaration with 'Silicon ValleyInfotech' a comprehensive one stop Match making & horoscope service as perIndian vedic astrology. We have developed a software package underguidance from 11 big Jotishes in India to accurately make horoscope(Kundli) & predict future events. The biggest use of the packege is inMatching horoscope (Kundli) before matrimonial.
Horoscope Software Free Download
It accurately predicts asper Indian Kundli system whether the marriage will be successful & leadingto growth & prosperity or not. Our computerised system has been tried &tested since last 8 years in India. Now it is available over the internetin USA.Please do not risk your married life!!!Before you fix up for a matrimonial connection send us the followingdetails about the prospective Bride & Groom & we will email you a throughanalysis of their 'Kundli' & whether the Kundlies match or not. This isdone after a thorough analysis of the stars as per Indian Astrology - aprovan method for thousands of years.
Marriages predicted by the softwareas 'Good matches' have never resulted in divorces till date (8 years).Please note that in cases where the software predicts 'No Kundli match' itis advisable not to continue with the matrimonial connection. As per thevedic astrology you will also get warnings about 'Mangal' or'dosh(fault)'in either partners kundli. The printout will also include thenumber of points of matching. A minimum 18 points is essential for a goodmarried life.The details we need for Kundli matching are as follows(for both Boy &girl):Name, Sex, Date of Birth, Time of birth as per local time(24 hrs. Clock so2pm means 14.00), Place of birth (City & country).You can send us an email (email ) containing theabove information.Our charges are as follows:Matchmaking printout: $5.00Personal horoscope(Kundli): $5.00Personal Horoscope(Kundli) with future predictions: $11.00.As an introductory offer we would send all of the above for $11.00.Please make your check payable to 'Silicon Valley Infotech', 23311, ReginaCt., Santa Clara, CA-95054.Please also include the same information as in the email(birth detailsetc.) with your check. We will send you your printout free over theinternet (as an email) as soon as we receive your check.
We can also faxthe printout within USA for $11.00.DO NOT RISK YOUR MARRIAGE LIFE!! CONSULT e-Jyotish BEFORE FIXING ANYMARRIAGE anywhere in the world.NOTE: The printout is strictly as per vedic principles of 'Kundli Melap' &although the system is provan for thousands of years, deciding themarriage is at your own risk.

DescriptionAvailable in English/Hindi/TeluguAvailable as Download Link. No CD is provided.This unique predictive astrology software is fully based on Jaimini principles. The main Jaimini Sutram, various commentaries, and even commentary of some commentary have been used for preparing the work. The predictions have not been offered by basing upon blind faith; decades of intensive study, and practical experience gained from analyzing hundreds of horoscopes, have been instilled into this work. In its every step, after checking through a series of complex set of conditions, this program offers surprisingly realistic predictions in a very efficient manner.This software can predict the precise nature of events – together with the timing of events (timing unit: 1 month only).