Expensive Soul Utopia
(P)2018 Expensive Soul, distribuido pela SME Portugal, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda.Why buy on Qobuz. Stream or download your musicBuy an album or an individual track. Or listen to our entire catalogue with our high-quality unlimited streaming subscriptions. Zero DRMThe downloaded files belong to you, without any usage limit. You can download them as many times as you like.
Choose the format best suited for youDownload your purchases in a wide variety of formats (FLAC, ALAC, WAV, AIFF.) depending on your needs. Listen to your purchases on our appsDownload the Qobuz apps for smartphones, tablets and computers, and listen to your purchases wherever you go. Neo Soul in 10 AlbumsIn the midst of the 90s when hip-hop was going through its golden age, a revolution within soul music was also underway.
With Erykah Badu, D’angelo, Jill Scott and many others, the genre found again its class: an echo of the simplicity and refinement that brought to life the albums of Marvin Gaye, Curtis Mayfield and Roberta Flack. After years in the shadow of the reigning ultra-commercial and soft R&B, the noticeably more underground Neo Soul, or Nu Soul, relit the flame of soul music and returned it to its roots in terms of both composition and lyricism. A brief but highly influential movement.
what you see, is what you get what you think, is what you get what you want, is what you get what you ask for, is what you get what you expect, is what you get what you anticipate, is what you get what you hope for, is what you get what you don't hope for, is ALSO what you getit's a black + white world, really, when it comes down to it.think of what you WANT.NOT what you DONT WANT. Because it's coming.it's all coming. All you have to do is ask for it:). In a faraway land called Elementary School, and Junior High, and even my first 2 years of High School.I WAS REALLY GOOD AT MATH. I was always one of the best in my class. Until I did Acid that is.
But the following is the MAIN reason why i get so so so irked by Obama and his campaign, and most of America and the rest of the world. I know in my heart that Obama and Hillary's platforms are very.similar.
I know that. But THIS is my argument, and my MAIN argument (other than the Healthcare plan, and the Women's Equality thing, and the Paycheck Fairness stuff, and the Experience argument):::::::but anyhow.BEHOLD!this is it. Plain and simple.
To me it's not really a democrat vs. Republican thing. It's not a man vs. Woman thing (although i honestly got involved and inspired BECAUSE Hillary is an amazing person, and IS a woman). I'm not racist. I don't hate younger fellows. I'm not totally really against a newcomer.
But there is no argument against the MATH. And when somone tries to go against hard and solid NUMBERS. That's when i just go fucking ballistic and go on a rampage. Although i'm not angry right now.i will forever have these numbers etched into my brain.and i know a lot of secret math geeks like me feel the same way. Will Bower is #1. Because of HIM, i'm not kidding.Hillary could win this thing.
Expensive Soul Utopia Song
Because of his determination and commitment to show people that you can't fight the math.chew on this America:(unless you just don't understand how numbers work.). Dude.between 600 and 1200 could vote for her!?!?!?!?! And there are 1800 delegates total. I am not one to ever ever ever give up Hope, and more now than ever. I ALWAYS remember one of the ladies at the Hillary phone bank saying to me.
'Val, don't worry. This man in New York who is one of the world's best readers of the I-Ching says Hillary will win in the end. He says that it will be a very long and challenging road, but she WILL win.' I always think of what she said to me, especially when the media wave is overtaking the world. The polls are SO close. And NObama is slowly, but surely transitioning from the 'Agent of Change' to the 'New Face that still Compromises just like everyone else.' Hillary and Bill are fucking geniuses.
They know the emotional pattern of the world.they know exactly what will get them to react, and when, and for how long.noone stays angry forever.noone stays newly and freshly inspired forever.there are always ups and downs, on both sides. In just one week's time, SO SO SO much can happen.and as scary as it seems, i think this is the way they planned it. Politics of course. And i know it's not purely un-shady.
But i think the whole thing is like a perfectly scripted mastermind chess game.now check it out.everyone and their mom knows that i 100000% support Hillary, and i always will. But i get a funny, peculiar feeling that she's not really in debt any more. I actually know that she's out of the red and in the black. But that's not how she is choosing to be portrayed to the general public. Something is going on behind the scenes. A well orchestrated theatrical presentation.
And now that she has the floor vote, ANYTHING could happen.and dude, those votes are private. So even if someone out loud says that they are going to support Obama, so they don't seem like a racist.they could at the very very very last minute go for Hillary and noone can bother them or hold it against them. Those 'pledged' delegates can do whatever the fuck they want in Denver.and it's going to be the most amazing, shocking news in the whole wide world. And there will probably be riots.who knows, i could be wrong.i will PROBABLY be wrong (if we're going based on logic, and what has been presented to everyone in the past 2 months). But something in my heart says there is going to be some MAJOR divine intervention at this Convention, and i am so beyond excited to see it all unfold. No matter what happens, i'm glad that she has made it this far.
And whether now is her time or not, everyone knows who really got the most votes. I'm going to write a book or two about it before i die.Current Mood: hopeful. Just a little observation.of the 3.Hillary, McCain, Obama.
I know they all embellish in their own ways, to come up the stronger candidate and human being.BUT! Hillary and McCain, UNLIKE Obama, would not completely lie through their teeth like a dumbass, just to 'protect' the country.the truth is: the Democratic Party is in shambles.absolute, dillapidated, about-to-fall-apart, revolutionary SHAMBLES.and mister Obama is smiling and just talking away and acting as if NOTHING is going wrong. I'm sorry, but he is the LAST person i would trust to lead us. I know i personally hate him, and i have since the minute i laid eyes and ears on him.but purely OBJECTIVELY speaking.i wouldn't trust him with a 10-foot pole. Imagine if he was our president, and all these truths are going on in the country and the rest of the world.and he would just be smiling away and pretending like nothing is wrong, trying to hide the whole truth from us. I've got just 3 words:1) Chicago2) Back3) Doorand just 3 more encore words:4) Conspiracy5) Dean6) Pelosiit angers me SO much!!!
I may be crazy, but i ain't stupid! Okay.so besides Howard Dean of the DNC being PURELY EVIL!!! I know WHY all of the Superdelegates will not overturn Obama and go for Hillary instead.even though it will be the SMARTEST decision and ensure a Democrat as President.If there was an Obama-Clinton ticket.Democrats would 1000% win! NO QUESTION about it!If there was a Clinton-Obama ticket.Democrats would 1000% win. Also no doubt about it.now here's where the weirdness begins.Now with Florida and Michigan being FULLY seated.Hillary will in FACT have won the Popular Vote.
There is no denying or going around that. Yes, both Hillary's side and Obama's side had some foul play in the whole Michigan-Florida ordeal. But that does not mean the voters should be punished or not counted because of the both campaigns' lack of clarity. Hillary kept her name on the ballots, Obama still did cable network campaigning in both states.there were a bunch of foul technicalities. BUT, Hillary immediately vowed for a RE-VOTE.
Obama's camp said no because they said it would be too expensive. Fucking BULLSHIT people.
And now Obama is denying that they refused a re-vote, while he is NOW saying that Florida and Michigan need to be fully heard. Such bullshit!! I remember arguing very hard with someone months back about why Obama is such a dickhead for not allowing a re-vote.
How can he lie through his teeth like that??? How Schizophrenic can the man be???? It's so gross!but Anyhow!so Besides Hillary now officially being the winner of the POPULAR VOTE (just like Gore back in the day).if exactly 92 Superdelegates who are (currently) pledged to Obama, switch over to Hillary between now and the Convention.even as late as the Convention floor vote.Hillary will in fACT clinch the Nomination. Pretty fucking crazy right? Back in 1980 when Ted Kennedy was running against Carter, he only had 750 Delegates and he made it all the way to the floor.did the whole Roll Call 1st vote, and lost. And he made his speech, he went through the whole process.and then FINALLY, endorsed Jimmy Carter. He went 'all the way'.even though he wasn't nearly as close behind to Carter as Hillary is to Obama.
Only 92 Superdelegates away! And the fact that they are trying to not smoothly allow a 1st roll call is just beyond me.well, actually, it's not beyond me anymore! As of like 5 minutes ago.i figured it out!!!The Black and Youth Voters are a strong foundation of the Democratic Party. If ANYTHING happens that goes against their Messiah, they will have a shit fit and the Party will go up in FLAMES! Even in more flames than it is now!!! The only difference is.the Black Voters probably won't come back if Obama is not GIVEN (thats right, GIVEN.not elected but SELECTED).they wont be Democrats ever again. Even if Hillary is right now more qualified and prepared and will inDEED beat McCain in the Fall.they are so afraid that they will lose the majority of Black voters forever.whereas, if/when Hillary runs again in 2012, they know a lot of the pissed off people (like me and millions others) will come back and vote Democrat for Hillary.
So they would rather risk LOSING this election with Obama against McCain, because they will at least get to keep the Black (and Youth) vote for the 2012 election.whereas the older vote, and female vote.it doesn't matter as much because a lot of the older people will die and not be voting anyway, and the Female vote will return.it's SO fucked up!!!!!And that is why i am no longer a Democrat!!!!but i do understand where the Devils are coming from as well. It's ALL demographics and registered voters, and they will do whatever they can to keep the Party. Lame lame lameI'm still praying for those 92 to switch!!! ANYthing can happen in the next 3 weeks.If McCain is beating Obama in the polls, they are SO going to be thinking long and hard about this one.they can put Hillary on top of the ticket, and Obama below.The Final Battle is in session.
I never thought i would be one of those bra-burning bitches!but here i am.no bra burning though.Nick, if you're reading this, i'm sorry i got hot tempered the other day.i didn't mean to say that you were feeding me anything. I was exploding at the time, and you just happened to get caught in my line of fire as i was caught in Dragon mode. I wasn't thinking clearly. So if i snapped and sounded like a bitch, i'm really sorry. It had nothing to do with you.at ALL.
Chelsea or Tori could have been talking to me, and i would have snapped at them at that moment too. Please don't take it personally. Dear Hillary,I have been there with you from the beginning, I am here with you now, and I will be there for you for as long as you continue to fight.whether tonite is the end, or Denver is the end.or the White House is the end.this is a JOURNEY, not simply a destination.Over the past several months, you have helped me become not only a stronger woman, but a stronger human being. My spirit has been stretched, challenged, defeated, and brought back to life again.
I made phone calls for you, I spoke up for you, and I believed in you.and during the whole time, it was because I was trying to find that fighting spirit within myself. And in fighting for you, I fought for myself.Please take this all the way to Denver! They say it could damage your political career, it could divide the Democratic Party, it could do all these things.but I say go far beyond our current limitations and restrictions. Because down the road, beyond our next 8 years.we're going to look back at this moment, telling our kids, our grandkids, our grand-grand kids.that Hillary was a woman who never gave up. Not til the very, very, very end.You won more votes. That is the bottom line.
That is the Truth. I will never see Obama as the true winner. Because he is not. You endured the horrific pundits, the sexist media, the bullies who don't believe in a fighter, because they have a hard time believing in themself. Your candidacy really brought out the best in some, and the worst in some.
And I think THAT is the true evidence of who the winner is. Despite some bogus caucus count, despite some fearful Superdelegates just watching out for themselves and their career advancements. This race was either about being a Bandwagon hopper, or standing up for yourself, and what you believe in and WHO you believe in.I believe in YOU Hillary and noone else. I live in California, and I am a Democrat, and I will NOT vote for Obama in the Fall. Because I do not believe he is half as strong as you, I do not believe he was right in allowing the sexist attacks on you, and I do not believe he or his supporters treated you with respect.I believe in a President who is going to truly LEAD our country to do the right thing. And act with integrity.

Never giving up. Never telling another person to give up. Never putting another person down for what they believe in.
Standing up for every American, no matter what class they are in, no matter what culture they come from, no matter what part of the country.Please Hillary.take this to Denver!I will be there the whole way.And if you do so, you will not be splitting the Democratic Party.you will simply be expanding it beyond it's limitations as we speak.Make History.go for broke!!!You've come this far. Please don't stop! Don't stop believing. Because I never will!I believe.Valerie Pattersonfrom Los Angeles. This is the MAIN reason why a lot of Hillary supporters refuse to vote for Obama in the Fall.it is VERY true, and VERY important to look at (with an open mind).
Expensive Soul Utopia Movie
I myself agree with this, and I don't know how or what will change my mind in the Fall.I have never in my life been so disgusted and annoyed w/ the American race as a whole.men AND women. How in the world did everyone get SO swayed by the media??
I somehow morphed into the daughter of Isabel and Pip.this article is brilliant. And ACCURATE. And UN-BIASED.for all the Obama 'Math'- Goers thus far.I think y'all should take a look at this. And SUCK IT!(Hillary is no idiot. I hope by the time she becomes President, America becomes half as smart as her).Fuck the Media!That's why I'm creating my own magazine.and am going to think with MY own head, and not just copy what everyone else writes and says for the mere sake of selling copies and making money. Plagiarism surely is contagious!I'm so fucking annoyed with the Bandwagon.
I just can't wait til after June 3rd.There's a reason why the remaining Superdelegates are still waiting.There's a REASON why Obama hasn't officially claimed the nomination yet.Is the country just too stupid to not realize this?? May 23, 2008, 10:48 amClinton Touting Popular Vote ProjectionsBy Katharine Q.
SeelyeSenator Hillary Clinton is keeping hope alive today with a new assessment of the popular vote that says she is poised to finish the primary season on June 3 as the winner of the overall popular vote, at least by the most inclusive measure, which would include the tallies from all states.With her expected big win in Puerto Rico on June 1, a collection of votes could give her the popular vote lead without including the disputed results from Michigan and Florida. The Clinton campaign is circulating an opinion article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, which analyzes the vote possibilities. It buttresses the heart of her new argument to the superdelegates — that if she wins the popular vote across the whole country, how can they overturn the will of the people?From the Inquirer’s analysis:Real Clear Politics keeps track of six versions of the popular-vote total.
They are, in ascending order of inclusivity: (1) the popular vote of sanctioned contests; (2) the total of sanctioned contests, plus estimated votes from the Iowa, Nevada, Maine and Washington caucuses; (3) the popular vote plus Florida; (4) popular vote plus Florida and the caucuses; (5) the popular vote plus Florida and Michigan; (6) popular vote plus Florida, Michigan, and the caucus estimates. After Tuesday, Clinton now leads in two of these six counts.If you believe that the most important precept in democratic politics is to “count every vote,” then the sixth category is the most inclusive, and here Clinton leads Obama by 71,301 votes. Of course, this includes the Michigan result, where Sen. Obama had removed his name from the ballot.
So while it may be the most inclusive, it may not be the most fair.The third and fourth counts - the ones which include Florida - seem more fair. Here, Obama is clinging to a slight lead of 146,786 votes (257,008, with the caucus estimates). However, with Puerto Rico, Montana, and South Dakota remaining, he will almost certainly finish behind her in these counts, likely by a few hundred thousand votes.But could Clinton take over the lead in all of the popular-vote tabulations? Quite possibly. In Puerto Rico’s last major election, two million people voted. Let’s assume that turnout for this historic vote - Puerto Rico has never had a presidential primary before - will be equal to or greater than that turnout.If Clinton were to win Puerto Rico by 20 points she would pick up at least a 400,000-vote margin.

This would allow her to swamp Obama in the popular-vote counts, which include Florida, making her the leader in four of the six permutations of the popular vote. At that point, Obama would be left clinging to the least-inclusive count, which he now leads by 441,558 votes (551,780, including caucuses).To understand how razor-thin this majority is, consider that if the Puerto Rico turnout is slightly larger than we have imagined - or Clinton’s margin is slightly greater - then Clinton would finish the primary process leading in every conceivable vote count. With two million voters, a 28 percent victory would put Clinton over the top even in the count, which excludes Florida and Michigan and includes estimates for Obama’s caucus victories.Mrs. Clinton is headed to South Dakota now, where she plans to discuss the numbers at an editorial board meeting this afternoon.