Geographix Software

Starting PriceNot provided by vendorNot provided by vendorBest ForWeb-based and on-premise platform that helps businesses of all sizes with workflow automation, geocoding, spatial mapping, collaboration, workforce routing, data management, remote sensing and more.Not provided by vendorRatingIdeal number of Users1 - 1000+1 - 49Ease of Use3.8/5. 'ArcMap is great for any skill level in GIS. There are tutorials online to help beginners and the software is pretty easy to use.' . 'I appreciate the product development and like that it can utilize multiple spatial datasets in a user friendly framework.' Product Features.

  1. Geographix Software Free

check 3D Imagery. check Census Data Integration. check Color Coding. check Geocoding.


Geographix Software Free

check Image Exporting. check Image Management.


check Internet Mapping. check Interoperability.

check Labeling. check Map Creation.

Geographix software pricing

check Map Sharing. check Spatial Analysis. check 3D Imagery.

close Census Data Integration. close Color Coding. close Geocoding. close Image Exporting. close Image Management. check Internet Mapping.

close Interoperability. close Labeling. check Map Creation. close Map Sharing. check Spatial AnalysisScreenshots.

Starting PriceNot provided by vendorNot provided by vendorBest ForWeb-based and on-premise platform that helps businesses of all sizes with workflow automation, geocoding, spatial mapping, collaboration, workforce routing, data management, remote sensing and more.Not provided by vendorRatingIdeal number of Users1 - 1000+1 - 49Ease of Use3.8/5. 'ArcMap is great for any skill level in GIS. There are tutorials online to help beginners and the software is pretty easy to use.' . 'I appreciate the product development and like that it can utilize multiple spatial datasets in a user friendly framework.'