Fallout 3 Ini
Fallout 3 crashes when loading interiorsIf you have a multi-core CPU, like the Quad, and you experience a Fallout 3 crash when loading interiors (the PC version of Fallout 3, specially in closed spaces). It seems that this crash is caused by a bug in Fallout which doesn't adapt multi-threading well, and this PC game stops responding in small areas. Fallout 3 crash fixThe fix for this Fallout 3 bug is very easy: just copy and paste and you are ready to go:. Open the folder My documents / My Games / Fallout3. Edit the file FALLOUT.ini. Inside FALLOUT.ini look for a group called general.
Fallout 3 Ini Edit
Inside the general group, after all the configuration parameters, just copy and paste the following 2 lines:bUseThreadedAI=1iNumHWThreads=2Now close and save the Fallout 3 configuration file.And that's it: you should have fixed the Fallout 3 crash when loading small closed interior areas. Well, Fallout 3 could stop responding sometimes, but these crashes won't be a frequent bug in Fallout.If you liked Fallout 3, you may like.

18comments:said.Wow!I think you just saved me with this!I had freezes in the interiors, seemingly more in smaller spaces.Your Tipp seemed to have halped:DTHANK YOU!!said.Awesome! No crashes since I made this change! I no longer need to run Fallout3 at low detail, low resolution and windowed to prevent it from crashing every couple of minutes.How did you figure this out?said.There seems to be many fixes or suppoesed fixes for fallout crashing the only thing that worked for me was this Setting my nividia video card to 'Let the 3D application decide' Mode no set of drivers or inf editing fixed my problem, but knock on wood ive been playing smoothly for two hourse and the game looks and feels alot better.said.Had those interior crashes, but this fixed it. Thanks!said.THANK YOU SO MUCH!:Dsaid.THANK YOU SO MUCH! NOW IT'S NOT A WASTE OF $60!said.tha fallout.ini stuff works awesomely well. Thanks very muchsaid.I couldn't even get through the intro without it crashing.this fixed everything.
I haven't had a crash yet.Thanks!said.What line do I put it after?said.At the end of the general group should work pretty well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it has to be put after any specific parameter line of the Fallout 3 configuration file. Just make sure it's inside the general group of options.said.it work!! Ohh thank you so much!!:))said.wow!

Fallout 3 Ini Tweaks
I tried everything they've suggested etc. But FAILEDi was really desperate to play this game. But problem was about freezing & i thought your solution would not help since it addressed crashing, but to my surprise. NO MORE FREEZING!! Your awesome tnx a a lot.said.Failed, tried that, didn't work.im running windows 7, 4gb ram with Radeon graphics, the game runs a smooth as a babies bum until i get to the same spot outside of vault 101 in Springvale. I seem to get further every time but it still crashes ever 30 seconds-5 minutessaid.You, my friend are my savior!
Thank You!said.mhmm. Cant find the fallout.ini thing. )=said.Worked for me. Had also the crashes while beeing indoors (especially the intro!!)Used in FALLOUT 3 GOTY German.Thanks:-Dsaid.I have a windows 8 I tried this but fallout.ini wasn't on there all it came up with was falloutprefs wich did nothing for my situation because I'll ipen fallout 3 like normally then click play the window showing my option to play the game closes and a blue loading circle appears by my cursor then it disappears and the game doesn't open. How do I fix this?said.This is nice post which I was awaiting for such an article and I have gained some useful information.