Karu Benti Radha Soami
These documentary videos give the viewer an in-depth look into the philosophy and activities of Radha Soami Satsang Beas. The videos span a long period of time and were filmed in many countries. These four satsangs given by Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh in Punjabi language are approximately 60-90 minutes in length. Hazur covers all the important themes to inspire the sangat (congregation) to continue their efforts in meditation. He enjoins us to understand the purpose of life and the importance of seeing past this temporary, illusionary world and focus our attention on what is permanent.
Only the love we have in our hearts will go with us after death. There is nothing else of value as the currency of God is love. All saints have taught the supreme value of love. Jesus Christ, when asked which is the greatest commandment, replied paraphrasing the Torah (the Hebrew Bible): 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind;' and he said the second greatest commandment is: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.'
These videos are published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas.You may visit our official website at. In this collection, Maharaj Charan Singh answers questions from foreign guests. Most of these Q&As were recorded at the evening meetings held at the International Guest House at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh and at the Pusa Road and Bhati Satsang Centres in New Delhi. The Questions & Answers cover a wide range of topics, from personal questions pertaining to everyday life to spiritual concerns, such as meaning of life, the role of karma, the need for a master, and the practice of meditation. The master’s answers provide a deep understanding of the issues. Sometimes serious, sometimes humorous, the master always displayed his immense kindness, love and, most of all, his patience in answering the questions.These videos are published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas.You may visit our official website at. These short videos are played at the large satsang gatherings (spiritual discourses) in India before the start of the discourse.
Karu Benti Radha Soami Aaj Lyrics
Literally millions of people have seen these videos. Most rural Indians are unaware of these social programs and conditions or have a wrong understanding of them.

There are many superstitious views concerning organ donation or even receiving a donated organ. Using drama and fictional stories that all can relate to, these videos attempt to explain these issues in a simple way and dispel the misunderstandings and superstitions surrounding these social problems.These videos are published by Radha Soami Satsang Beas.You may visit our official website at.