Making History Invalid License Key
Sorry, we can't find this product key in our database (ERRINVALIDTOKEN) or Sorry, we can't set up your account at the moment (ERRMISSINGPARTNUMBER or ERRPKPNDETAILSNOTFOUND)You'll see this error message if you enter a product key for a version of Office that isn't available for download from Here's where you can enter those product keys.For Office 2010 and Office 2011 for Mac go to.For Office 365 Business Premium, go to.If you're not sure what kind of product key you have, you can use the. If your product key is valid, the Virtual support agent provides a link to download Office. The Virtual support agent can also let you know if your product key has been blocked and can connect you to a live agent. The product key isn't valid (INVALIDPRODUCTKEY or ERRINVALIDTOKEN)You'll see this message along with either error code INVALIDPRODUCTKEY or error code ERRINVALIDTOKEN if you enter the wrong product key, or if you have a typo in your product key.Examples of using the wrong product keyMost Microsoft products use a 25-character product key.
If you own multiple Microsoft products, it’s easy to confuse the keys and use the wrong one. Here are some common things that can happen:.Using the product key from a sticker on a PCThese product keys are normally for Microsoft Windows.
Check the sticker for a product name to make sure it’s for the Office product you’re trying to install.Using product keys for Office 2010 or earlierFor Office 2011 for Mac or Office 2010, go to.Using on Office 365 for business product keyThese product keys are entered in a different location. For help, see.Using the product key provided by a school or organizationIf your school or organization has a volume license agreement for Office, then you are using a different version of Office that uses volume license keys.
These keys can’t be used for retail Office versions like Home and Student, Home and Business, or Professional, and can't be entered on this page. See for more information.Common ways people mistype the product keyReading the product key from a label can be difficult.

Letters and numbers may look the same.To avoid typing mistakes, here’s a list of commonly mistyped characters:.The letter B and the number 8.The letter G and the number 6.The letter O and the number 0.The letter Q and the number 0.The letters V and V back to back (VV) appear like the letter W. Tip: If you bought Office from an online retailer and received a confirmation email, try copying and pasting the product key from this email instead of typing it. The product key isn't valid (KEYNOTACTIVATED)You'll see this message if the retailer where you purchased Office didn’t activate the product key at the point of sale. The product key must be activated by the retailer before you can use it.To resolve the issue, go back to the store where you purchased Office and have them activate the product key. 'Sorry, you've reached the limit' (ERRSUBSCRIPTIONMAXSPANREACHED)You'll see this message if you try to extend the amount of time on your Office 365 subscription past 5 years.Your Microsoft account can have only one Office 365 Home subscription associated with it. If you use the same Microsoft account to buy or redeem multiple Office 365 subscriptions, you extend the amount of time for your subscription, up to a maximum of 5 years. This doesn't increase the number of Office devices you can be signed in to or increase the amount of online storage that's available with the subscription.
For more information, see. Sorry, we can't set up your account right now. Hang on to your product key, and try again later (ConversionBlockedSubscriptionViolations)We can’t redeem your product key due to a billing issue with your Microsoft account.
Please go to your, locate the Pay settings section, and select the link for Change how you pay or Fix how you pay. You have reached the maximum number of Office products that can be associated to your Microsoft accountYou can redeem up to 30 one-time purchases of Office 2019, 2016, or Office 2013 on the same Microsoft account. To redeem additional products, you'll need to create another Microsoft account. For more help, see. Note: This does not apply to Office 365 subscriptions.
Your Microsoft account can have only one Office 365 Home subscription associated with it. I get an error that JavaScript is required to complete the activation processAfter you enter a valid product key, the Next button should be enabled. However, if JavaScript isn't enabled in our browser, the Next button won't work.
Use the guidance in to enable JavaScript in your browser. If you're using an iPad, you must use another device to redeem your product key because JavaScript isn't supported on iPads. Tip: If you’re using a Mac, go to Firefox Preferences.Select the Privacy tab.In the History section under Firefox will, select Use custom settings for history.Make sure Accept cookies from sites is checked and Accept third party cookies is set to Always, and then select OK.Safari.On your Mac, go to Safari Preferences Privacy.Under Cookies and website data, select Always allow.Select Close and refresh the browser.Problems with language or geographical issuesHere are the common errors and how to fix them. My country or region isn't listedAfter you enter your product key, your current country or region might not appear in the list, or the website language might change. This can happen if you buy your product key in a different country or region than where you redeem it. Your product key is only valid for the countries or regions listed.
Making History Invalid License Key Number
If you need assistance, contact. I get the error 'This product key isn't meant for your region'If you get this message, this means that your product key was purchased in a different country or region than where you're currently located. Office product keys must be redeemed in the country or region where they are purchased.
If you need assistance, contact. I get the error 'Sorry, we can't use this product key because your current subscription was set up in another country/region' (BillingAccount)If you get this message, this means that your product key was purchased in a different country or region than where you're currently located. Please try to redeem your product key at.
If that doesn't work, please contact. Microsoft account limits for OfficeThe redemption process on associates your Office product with your Microsoft account. Here are some important limits regarding your Microsoft account.Your Microsoft account can have only one Office 365 Home subscription associated with it. If you use the same Microsoft account to buy or redeem multiple Office 365 subscriptions, you extend the amount of time for your subscription, up to a maximum of 5 years. This doesn't increase the number of Office devices you can be signed in to or increase the amount of online storage that's available with the subscription. For more information, see and.If you have Office 365 Home and you need to support more than 6 people on your subscription, we recommend purchasing an or of Office instead.You can redeem up to 30 one-time purchases of Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013 on the same Microsoft account. If you'd like to purchase more than 30 copies of Office for work, we recommend purchasing an or of Office instead.
Driving With Invalid License
I'm currently involved in developing a product (developed in C#) that'll be available for downloading and installing for free but in a very limited version. To get access to all the features the user has to pay a license fee and receive a key.

That key will then be entered into the application to 'unlock' the full version.As using a license key like that is kind of usual I'm wondering:. How's that usually solved?. How can I generate the key and how can it be validated by the application?.
How can I also avoid having a key getting published on the Internet and used by others that haven't paid the license (a key that basically isn't 'theirs').I guess I should also tie the key to the version of application somehow so it'll be possible to charge for new keys in feature versions.Anything else I should think about in this scenario? Caveat: you can't prevent users from pirating, but only make it easier for honest users to do the right thing.Assuming you don't want to do a special build for each user, then:. Generate yourself a secret key for the product. Take the user's name.
Concatentate the users name and the secret key and hash with (for example) SHA1. Unpack the SHA1 hash as an alphanumeric string. This is the individual user's 'Product Key'.
Within the program, do the same hash, and compare with the product key. If equal, OK.But, I repeat: this won't prevent piracyI have recently read that this approach is not cryptographically very sound. But this solution is already weak ( as the software itself has to include the secret key somewhere), so I don't think this discovery invalidates the solution as far as it goes.Just thought I really ought to mention this, though; if you're planning to derive something else from this, beware. I would think that by the time someone is hacking your code (possibly at the assembly level) to find your secret key, they are probably also at the level that they can just bypass your checks entirely. I don't think there's a method of registration so secure that it can survive a good hacker running the program locally. As the original comment said, it's really all about anything that makes it one step harder than simply copying the file. A lot of games these days have given up on copy protection and simply take the game content online, in which case the code is out of the hacker's hands.–Dec 4 '12 at 22:56.
There are many ways to generate license keys, but very few of those ways are truly secure. And it's a pity, because for companies, license keys have almost the same value as real cash.Ideally, you would want your license keys to have the following properties:.Only your company should be able to generate license keys for your products, even if someone completely reverse engineers your products (which WILL happen, I speak from experience). Obfuscating the algorithm or hiding an encryption key within your software is really out of the question if you are serious about controlling licensing. If your product is successful, someone will make a key generator in a matter of days from release.A license key should be useable on only one computer (or at least you should be able to control this very tightly).A license key should be short and easy to type or dictate over the phone. You don't want every customer calling the technical support because they don't understand if the key contains a 'l' or a '1'.
Your support department would thank you for this, and you will have lower costs in this area.So how do you solve these challenges?.The answer is simple but technically challenging: digital signatures using public key cryptography. Your license keys should be in fact signed 'documents', containing some useful data, signed with your company's private key. The signatures should be part of the license key. The product should validate the license keys with the corresponding public key. This way, even if someone has full access to your product's logic, they cannot generate license keys because they don't have the private key. A license key would look like this: BASE32(CONCAT(DATA, PRIVATEKEYENCRYPTED(HASH(DATA))))The biggest challenge here is that the classical public key algorithms have large signature sizes.
RSA512 has an 1024-bit signature. Aluminium window design software. You don't want your license keys to have hundreds of characters.One of the most powerful approaches is to use elliptic curve cryptography (with careful implementations to avoid the existing patents). ECC keys are like 6 times shorter than RSA keys, for the same strength. You can further reduce the signature sizes using algorithms like the Schnorr digital signature algorithm (patent expired in 2008 - good:) ).This is achievable by product activation (Windows is a good example).
Basically, for a customer with a valid license key, you need to generate some 'activation data' which is a signed message embedding the computer's hardware id as the signed data. This is usually done over the internet, but only ONCE: the product sends the license key and the computer hardware id to an activation server, and the activation server sends back the signed message (which can also be made short and easy to dictate over the phone). From that moment on, the product does not check the license key at startup, but the activation data, which needs the computer to be the same in order to validate (otherwise, the DATA would be different and the digital signature would not validate).
Note that the activation data checking do not require verification over the Internet: it is sufficient to verify the digital signature of the activation data with the public key already embedded in the product.Well, just eliminate redundant characters like '1', 'l', '0', 'o' from your keys. Split the license key string into groups of characters. Besides what has already been stated.Any use of.NET applications are inherently breakable because of the intermediate language issues. A simple disassembly of the.NET code will open your product to anyone. They can easily bypass your licensing code at that point.You can't even use hardware values to create a key anymore. Virtual machines now allow someone to create an image of a 'licensed' machine and run it on any platform they choose.If it's expensive software there are other solutions.
If it's not, just make it difficult enough for the casual hacker. And accept the fact that there will be unlicensed copies out there eventually.If your product is complicated, the inherent support issues will be create some protection for you. I'm one of the developers behind the software licensing platform and have been working on licensing systems since the age of 14. In this answer, I have included some tips based on experience acquired over the years.The best way of solving this is by setting up a license key server that each instance of the application will call in order to verify a license key.