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Google - Students' Google email ends in the domain @MUFSD.org Instructions for initial login are included in the attachment below. For either account, it's important to note that student email accounts are to be used for school use only as explained in the District's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), policy 4526R. Outlook 2013 email to pdf.

Exhibits30 exhibitors from the industry’s leading software/hardware manufacturers, equipment resellers and service providers will be on hand in the exhibit hall or performing on-the-water demonstrations. There is no additional charge to attend the exhibits.To see the organizations who are currently signed up to exhibit at HYPACK 2018,please visit the link.Exhibits Hours DayTimesWednesday, January 17th8:00 am - 6:00 pmThursday, January 18th8:00 am - 5:00 pmFriday, January 19th8:00 am - 12:00 pmFor more detailed HYPACK 2018 schedule information, please visit the link. Hotel Information1 Resort Dr.Savannah, GA 31421United States1-912-201-2000To make hotel reservations please visit Westin's,or call 1-912-201-2000 and ask for the HYPACK 2018 User Training rate. ($117/night + applicable taxes and fees). The rate is based on the prevailing government per diem.
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The cut-off date for the room rate is. Hotel Reservation AlertThe only method for reserving the conference rate is by calling the Westin’s reservation line, or online using the hotel’s event website listed above. Neither HYPACK nor the Westin will contact you to make a reservation. Any company claiming to be affiliated with us or the Westin is fraudulent, please do not do business with them. This has been a common scam going around to various conferences lately and can result in identity theft.

Transportation Information/Links.