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Keep in mind that this is a recommendation from you to all of, so tell us why we should read it in your post!SL for posts directly regarding or relating to Scanlation.If you're asking the entire community a question, put in the link title.Be respectful.Follow submission guidelines when applicable.Meme submissions featuring no manga content will be removed.No Referral/Profiteering/Soliciting Links/Sites.Posts should be related to Manga in some way. Manwha, Korean Webtoons, and Manhua are welcome as well. Hentai isn't.Cite your sources.Do not post rips of officially licensed releases.Always use spoiler tags when necessary.No Extra Discussions/Reactions of the same release/translation or Page/Panel Rips of the latest chapter of something.If you have any questions, feel free to visit the or to the moderators.Spoiler TagsTyping:Manga Title(/s 'Manga Spoilers')Will show up as:Scanlator Flair Legend (don't click these):CommunityPost FiltersClick:Hover over to expand/read: English PublishersSupport legal manga!.Resources/Information. Just saying, but reading 1 volume would take 30 minutes to 1 hour (personally) so I suggest you get a normal book or a light novelIf a light novel then Spice and Wolf, but bring a dictionary, they have hard language (for non-native speaker) and if you still insist on manga then, it has a double volume and around 400 pages, so it will take twice the time and it is just a couple of dollars more expensive than simple 1 volume, with the whole story being 2 volumes long.
ハヤテのごとく!/Hayate no Gotoku manga volume 29 reviewHayate the Combat Butler Volume 29–OK, I’m continuing to LITERALLY dust off these old manga volumes for reading and review purposes. NOTE: Since I’ve already based on the Japanese tankoubon, this review will focus on the Viz release as well as additional thoughts regarding the content of Hayate the Combat Butler Volume 29. But for more thoughts about the volume’s story, do click the link above.SPOILERS. CrossdressingOne of the major highlights of Hayate the Combat Butler Volume 29 is that Ruka’s story continues. However, due to Hata-sensei loving to have Hayate dressed in drag, Sensei has woven the story so that Hayate is forced to do so of his own free will.
This is to advance the Ruka story arc within the series. It’s silly, but a bit of fun, especially when Hayate gets busted by his housemates. The Doujinshi Business (and more)The other plot thread that is advanced in Hayate the Combat Butler Volume 29 is Wataru’s shifting his business from a video rental place to a doujinshi place. Sadly, the volume ends just as it enters a funny sub-arc where he has a suitcase full of money he borrowed from Sakuya.Beyond that, we get a bit more of life at Yukari-chan House. Again, Ah-tan did provide for some comedic moments. And finally, there were the usual, one-off gag manga chapters that Hata-sensei is obsessed with. The Character DesignsI’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again.

One Piece Manga Volumes For Sale
Hata-sensei’s character designs continue to shift to make characters a bit less appealing. We still haven’t hit bottom yet.
Its unfortunate ’cause the characters take on a more generic look, which is way less appealing. I know he was massively busy during this time, so he probably wanted to go simple to make things faster. Viz StuffI’ve stated my opinion that Viz hates this manga series. As such, Hayate the Combat Butler Volume 29 was released years after the the volume was released in Japan. I get that sales are negligible for the series, but man, it sucks getting only two volumes a year when FOUR a year were released in Japan. There were 52 volumes when the series ended in Japan in 2017.That said, it is a pretty standard release of the series for Viz. Most of Japanese honorifics are retained, which is also why I say Viz is hating the series.

Manga Volumes Vs Chapters
There was a moment where Ruka tells Nagi to address her as “Ruka-sama”. But because “LOCALIZATION ROCKS!”, this was changed to “Madam Ruka.” Get stuffed!
🤬All of the extras from the standard Japanese tankoubon release of this volume are included. Of course, we gaijin won’t get the lovely artwork for Hina as that was a limited edition thing in Japan.Finally, Viz has several ads for their other stuff. Final Thoughts and ConclusionDespite Viz releases the series very slowly and them being a bit stupider in their adaptation, I don’t regret purchasing Hayate the Combat Butler Volume 29.