Tony Robbins Living Health Workbook
How tony robbins plans his week (my 5 step process + free worksheet download) live your legend.1.How Tony Robbins Plans His Week (My 5-StepProcess + free worksheet download)By Scott April 24, 2012 Follow me on Twitter Me gusta 76 “There is no excuse for not preparing for something that is inside your control.” - AnonymousUpdate: After being asked more times than I can count, today I’m sharing my Full Weekly Planning ProcessI’ve done religiously for the past 5 years (which I learned from Tony Robbins).This article is meant to be a reference piece. I’ve also included a free Weekly Planning Worksheet downloadat the bottom, to make sure this stuff is super easy for you to actually do.If reading this in email, you must click here to read it online, to get access to the worksheet.Oh, and keep an eye out next Monday – I’m sharing my favorite tool for finding and deciding on a passion-.based career!For now let’s get into the fun“I don’t have enough time.”Think about that statement for a second. How often do you say it? How many times a week or even each day?There is no bigger killer of dreams than those five words.But have you ever noticed that the busiest and most accomplished people never seem to say them?The CEO always has time for that last minute event.

Warren Buffett has a nearly clear calendar. Tony Robbinsconnects and speaks with tens of thousands of people a year, all over the world, and still manages to launch newventures non-stop. Or even my biggest mentors, who get 100x more requests for their time than I do, alwaysseem to be free for a last minute call or lunch.The list goes on.But what set’s them apart?They have a strategy. Most of us do not.There’s only one real reason why the big-time successful people seem to get so many of the important thingsdone – and still have time left over (aside from working out, which we covered in our Richard Branson articlelast month). It’s not because they were born with something special or only sleep 3 hours a night.Stop telling yourself they’re special, because they’re not.They simply have found a strategy that works.

And they execute on it continuously.Most people go into the week with little idea of how they see their days unfolding. They have a jumbled list oftasks at best.It’s no wonder why much of the world spins their tires on email, Facebook, Twitter and petty tasks andrequests, complaining about hating their work and dreaming of a new career, while the Living Legends changethe world.Doing work you love is not easy. In fact it’s damn hard. Without a process for doing what matters, on a dailyand hourly basis, the odds will kill you.The good news is with the right process it’s very possible. Last year I developed Live Off Your Passion to helpyou create a passionate career.
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Tony Robbins Living Health Workbook Free
What I didn’t realize is that many of us still don’t think we have the time to give itthe attention it deserves.You can do magnitudes more (of what matters) than you realize.But you need a process that gets results.Nearly every day I get people asking me what my weekly planning process is. So today I wanted to share it withyou.But I certainly did not invent it (I find very little logic in starting from scratch these days – I prefer to build off ofwhat already works).About five years ago I started working with a long-time Tony Robbins coach (likely the best business/lifedecision I’ve made). They’ve worked together for nearly two decades (like from before most people knew whoTony was). During one of our first sessions she shared Tony’s (and her) weekly planning process.Whether you like the guy or not, between the 4 million+ people he’s touched in over 100 countries, the best-selling books and the dozens of businesses he’s created, Tony Robbins has a process that works, and it’sallowed him to help more people than most could dream of. I am one them.It literally changed the game for me.It’s allowed me to launch serious projects in a matter of weeks and months (like Live Your Legend, Live OffYour Passion and the Should I Quit Test – all while running my investment business).