Avatar The Last Airbender Pc Game Demo
Platforms: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC Genre: Action Release Date: October 21, 2016 for PlayStation 4 (US), PlayStation 3 (US), Steam (Worldwide), and October 22, 2016 for PlayStation 4 (EU), PlayStation 3 (EU), Xbox One (Worldwide), Xbox 360 (Worldwide) Price: $14.99.Download Only Publisher: Activision Publishing, Inc. Developer: PlatinumGames Inc. © 2014 Viacom International Inc. All rights reserved.
Nickelodeon, Legend of Korra and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. Game ©2014 Activision Publishing, Inc. PlatinumGames lovingly adapt Nickelodeon’s animated television program, The Legend of Korra, into an intense brawling action game worthy of the name.The game features an original story by Tim Hedrick, one of the show’s writers, that takes place between Books Two and Three of the TV program. Korra fans will thrill to numerous animated cutscenes created by a studio involved in the actual show.You’ll control Korra as she bends the four elements – fire, earth, air, and water – to her will, and grows as the Avatar in a beautifully cell-shaded world that faithfully represents her universe. The Legend of Korra provides hours of fun for both fans of the series and hardcore action game veterans alike.
The Legend of Korra and its predecessor Avatar: The Last Airbender are the kind of franchises just begging to be turned into video games. The two Nickelodeon television series follow Korra and Aang, two different incarnations of the Avatar: a reincarnating link between the spiritual and physical worlds. In the Avatar franchise, particular people can “bend,” or manipulate, one of the elements of water, fire, earth, or air. The Avatar is unique in that she can bend all four elements. While there have been numerous Last Airbender games, none have quite captured the awesome kung-fu battling featured in the shows. With The Legend of Korra, the $14.99 digital-only title releasing this Fall for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, Activision has tapped veteran action-game studio Platinum games to hopefully change that.I got to play through an extensive demo of The Legend of Korra, and came away impressed – both as a fan of the TV series and as an action-fighting gamer. Whether you’re interested in The Legend of Korra as a casual gamer, Avatar fan, or even a hardcore Platinum follower, these are five things you’ll want to know:The Story Is Rooted In Series LoreThe Legend of Korra’s main campaign features an all-new story by veteran series writer Tim Hedrick, who wrote for The Last Airbender, and has written nine episodes of The Legend of Korra so far.

Avatar The Last Airbender Pc Game Download
The game’s new original story takes place between books two and three of The Legend of Korra, and will take the show’s events into account.One consequence the show will have on the game is the prevalence of spirits, which is what the new antagonist appears to be. In one of the early animated cutscenes, Korra encounters a mysterious old man shrouded in a heavy cloak in one of Republic City’s dark alleyways. As she approaches him, he begins to laugh, and then disappears suddenly in a puff of purple smoke. Before Korra can react, she is shot from behind with a metal dart and loses consciousness. When she wakes up, she finds that she can no longer use her bending.The demo later picks up with Korra attempting to remember how to bend, one element at a time, by visiting locations throughout the world in order to get back in touch with the spiritual source of her power.