Windows Xp Upgrade Disc Clean Install
Installing Windows XP ProfessionalThere are five methods for installing Windows XP. Review the following methods and select the method that is appropriate for your installation.
Method 1: Perform a clean install of Windows XP Use this method for a clean installation of Windows XP. A clean installation removes all data from your hard disk by repartitioning and reformatting your hard disk and reinstalling the operating system and programs to an empty (clean) hard disk. Method 2: Upgrade to Windows XP Use this method if you are upgrading to Windows XP from Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition, or Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional. Method 3: Install Windows XP to a new hard disk Use this method to install Windows XP to a new hard disk. This is typically done when a new hard disk is installed on your computer. Method 4: Install Windows XP to a new folder (parallel installation) Use this method to install Windows XP to a new folder (parallel installation) to either run two operating systems, or to access, repair, or retrieve data from a damaged disk.

Method 5: Perform a multiple boot operation Use this method to install Windows XP as a separate operating system on your computer. This lets you install more than one operating system on your computer and select which operating system that you want to use every time that you start your computer.Method 1: Perform a clean install of Windows XPA clean installation consists of removing all data from your hard disk by repartitioning and reformatting your hard disk and reinstalling the operating system and programs to an empty (clean) hard disk. To perform a clean installation of Windows XP, follow these steps:. Back up all important information before you perform a clean installation of Windows XP. Save the backup to an external location, such as a CD or external hard disk. Start your computer from the Windows XP CD.
Windows Xp Upgrade Disc Clean Install Tool

To do this, insert the Windows XP CD into your CD drive or DVD drive, and then restart your computer. CD drive letter:setup.exe. When you are prompted to select an installation type, select Upgrade (the default setting), and then click Next. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the upgrade.If you have successfully upgraded to Windows XP, you are finished. If these steps did not help you upgrade to Windows XP, go to the “Next Steps” section. Method 3: Install Windows XP to a new hard diskThis method describes how to install Windows XP to a new hard disk.
Reinstall Windows 7 Clean Install
This is typically done when a new hard disk is installed on your computer. Note You will need the CD for your previous operating system in order to complete this method. Before you start, start your computer by using one of the following media:.
Microsoft Windows 98/Windows Millennium startup disk. Windows XP CD or Windows XP boot disks Note The Windows XP CD is the preferred media in the following steps. However, the Windows XP boot disks will work if you do not have the CD.To install Windows XP to a new hard disk, follow these steps:. Start your computer from the Windows XP CD (or boot disks).