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Web-enabled: Carnatic music vocalist Sanjay Subrahmanyan. Arjoon Manohar / MintThese projects, many of them firsts for the classical arts in India, have emerged in various guises: Subrahmanyan’s podcasts, blogs by musicians as well as listeners, Wiki-enabled databases of lyrics, tutorials on Skype, Facebook communities, online transliteration tools and notation typesetters, and Twitter feeds.Subrahmanyan himself was one of the vanguards of Carnatic music in the age of Web 1.0. With a partner, he set up, a hugely popular website, with always-buzzing forums, that nevertheless imploded when it became a victim of the dotcom bust.“We weren’t running it as a profit centre at all, which was the real problem,' Subrahmanyan says. Ulead videostudio se dvd download chip.
Classical Carnatic Music

“After Sangeetham closed, I was inactive online for four years or so, but the recent Web 2.0 concepts really started to intrigue me.' He wasn’t the only one; at least four other musicians have recently started blogs, although they are updated with varying degrees of ardour.Also Read“When Carnatic musicians began to tour overseas regularly, they started to see how Western musicians were getting out of their shell and reaching out to the world through these mediums,' says Sikkil Gurucharan, a vocalist whose blog is dormant but on the cusp of being relaunched. “Also, in a sense, musicians earlier were separate from their audiences, but that gap has now narrowed.' Subrahmanyan was drawn in particular to the format of the podcast after he downloaded and listened to numerous episodes of other shows. “I’d listen to podcasts on board games, and the technology podcasts of Leo Laporte,' he says. Every episode of Subrahmanyan’s own chatty, freewheeling show, on average, is now downloaded 800-1,000 times, by listeners in India but also in the US and other countries.