Fort Bliss Army Installation Design Guide

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DesignFort Bliss Army Installation Design GuideFort

The Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) are published only in electronic format and are intended to be used with software. The UFGS Master uses the latest CSI MasterFormat, therefore, as of January 2012, the UFGS Working Group decided to discontinue support of MasterFormat 1995. SpecsIntact version 4.5.1 and above will support MasterFormat 2010 and will no longer support the creation of Jobs or Masters using the old MasterFormat 1995 UFGS Master. For backward compatibility, Masters or Jobs created with older versions can still be opened using the latest software versions.As of June 2008:Updated UFGS will be posted quarterly in February, May, August and November.As of May 2013: The May 2013 release incorporates Automatic Paragraph Numbering. Versions of Specsintact older than 4.5.0 are not compatible with this feature.

Fort Bliss Army Base

Existing jobs can be converted to the new automatic numbered format. Il mostro benigni streaming. The conversion is a one-way process. To convert, select the job or master, select process menu, choose convert Job/Master to Automatic numbering. More information about is available on the.For Specsintact Technical Support: 321-867-8800 UFGS that have been unified for use by all participating agencies have a level 3 or level 4 MasterFormat™ number. UFGS that are agency-specific have a fifth level number indicating it as an agency specific specification. A specification that has a fifth level number '10' indicates USACE, a '20' indicates NAVFAC, a '30' indicates AFCEC, and a '40' indicates NASA. Preparing agencies are indicated in the UFGS header of each specification.