Gigabyte Xpress Install Windows 7

Gigabyte Motherboard Xpress Install
Hi,Thank you for posting your question on Microsoft Community.After going through your post, it appears that you need assistance to install Xpress recovery 2 from gigabyte disc.In-order to install Xpress recovery 2 from gigabyte disc, refer the followinig informationXpress Recovery2 Introduction.If you need further help, I would suggest you to contact application manufacturer.Hope this information helps. If you need further help with Windows; I would suggest you to reply with more information, we’ll be glad to assist you!
TGW's installation says i need SH3 clean install and patch to 1.4b in order to mod. I re-installed my american version DVD of silent hunter 3. Patch 1.4b can be installed directly over the stock game - you do NOT need any previous patches to install 1.4b patch! You must install the patch before you install any mods. NOTE - there is a small error in the 1.4b patch - the installer windows says the patch is version 1.3. The DVD patch is for those people who have installed Silent Hunter III. The version of the multiplayer game has been labeled as 1.4b and it is. Where can I find the latest update for Silent Hunter 3?