Nivea Font
Nivea introduced a global redesign for all their products, packaging and graphics. The logo is now resembling the iconic classic Nivea cream tin introduced in 1925.Creative Review, who has an discussing the bad spacing of the “N IVEA” logo, is quoting the designers:Our early thinking was to reduce the complexity of the current form languages, edit the numerous packaging types to a minimum set and eliminate the proliferation of logo variations and typographic expressions,' fuseproject say. 'We believe simplifying the Nivea visual language offers a stronger and clearer expression of the brand values.
Font Nivea Otf

We based the design and graphic language on solid ground: the heritage tin and its classic white Bauhaus-era lettering. By harkening back to a pervasive brand icon such as the blue tin, the new designs, while offering a fresh, forward facing look for the brand, is also anchored in the company’s rich history. With this new brand expression, Nivea has a new face without losing any of its essential Nivea-ness.
Vile’s rambling journey finds towns where fountains flow deep and wide “out there somewhere” and traps where “people go and never come back”. Kurt vile wakin on a pretty daze rapidshare files full. Fledgling promises to “clean up our acts” and “get squeaky clean” float away in the gentle breeze blowing through the song.