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Plants Vs Zombies 2 Download For Pc
Game FeaturesNEW PLANTS! NEW ZOMBIES!Meet Fire Peashooter, Pepper-pult, Bonk Choy, Laser Bean, Pea-nut, and the prickly Homing Thistle: Just a few of the powerful new plants that will defend your lawn through time. Go toe-to-missing-toe with dozens of new zombies including Troglobite, Swashbuckler Zombie, Chicken Wrangler Zombie, Jetpack Zombie, Wizard Zombie, Mermaid Imp and Weasel Hoarder – the wiliest zombie of them all!AMAZING WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR BRAINChoose your plants wisely for each level and plot out your winning strategy.
Use Plant Food to supercharge your plants when you need it most. Freeze, flick and zap zombies off your lawn, using your fingers with simple touch controls.GET CRACKING IN VASEBREAKERDefeat endless zombie waves in Vasebreaker, the #1 mini-game from Plants vs.
Use smashing power-ups like the Butterizer, X-Ray vase vision and more.UNLOCK YOUR ZEN GARDENBattle zombies to win sprouts, then plant them in your very own Zen Garden. Tend to it carefully and be rewarded with extra BOOM in your blooms.LOOK OUT! ZOMBOT TUSKMASTER 10,000 BC!Take on Zomboss at the end of each new world. He’s coming for you with a host of diabolical inventions designed to challenge your best defenses!NEW LEVELS OF EXCITEMENTUnlock ultra-challenging endless levels in every world — Pyramid of Doom, Dead Man’s Booty, Big Bad Butte, Terror from Tomorrow, Arthur’s Challenge, Tiki Torch-er and Icebound Battleground.EXPLORE MORE WITH THE TRAVEL LOGStumped about where to go next?
Consult your Travel Log to embark on exciting Quests created just for you. Complete Quests and level up by earning points and prizes.Requirements:. Requires Android 3.0 (Gingerbread); ARMv7 1.0 Ghz or higher; 1 GB of RAM.
Features may vary by mobile deviceFollow us on us on the Plants vs. Zombies store: Agreement: terms.ea.comVisit for assistance or inquiries.Requires acceptance of EA’s Privacy & Cookie Policy and User Agreement.PC Games And PC Apps Free Download Full Vesion For Windows 7,8,10,XP,Vista and Mac.Download and play these top free PC Games,Laptop Games,Desktop Games,Tablet Games,Mac Games.Also you can download free software and apps for PC (Windows 7,8,10,XP,Vista) and Mac. Welcome to,the source of the best download free games.This is one of the best places on the Web to play new PC/Laptop games for free in 2019!Our games are licensed Full Version PC Games. Download and play racing games,3d action games, car games, bike games, 3d games,shooting games,fighting games,adventure games,hidden object games and train simulator games,gta vice city games.
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