Marvel Vs. Capcom Mugen Stages Download
“Marvel vs Capcom 2” was a fan-made fighting game, based on the popular MUGEN engine. The game features a ton of characters (about 180) from both Marvel and Capcom.There are a lot of characters we personally haven’t seen before, and those we’re very familiar with, such as the characters from the Street Fighter Games.Below is a video showcase of the game, along with character selection screen, and game play.This free home-brew game was developed using the M.U.G.E.N (also known simply as MUGEN) freeware 2D fighting game engine designed by Elecbyte. The engine was originally released on July 17, 1999.Below are some download links that we’ve found online for this game.
Feel free to download it, play, and comment on your experience. The game allegedly works on WINDOWS XP, WINDOWS VISTA, WINDOWS 7.Download link1:Download link2:Download link3:Download link4.

Marvel Vs Capcom Free Download
Characters available marvel vs. Capcom - eternity of heroesAdon by Iron FistAkuma by VynAmingo by KongAnakaris by KongArthur by Acey & SludgeBaby Commando by Junior Blader, Acey & The AnvilBalrog by ScarBanshee by Acey & KillaCrocBass by ChAoTiCBeast by AceyBlackheart by KongBlanka by AceyCable by KongCammy by AlchemistCaptain America by AceyCaptain Commando by RedHotCaptain Marvel by Acey & eSkRoCaptain Mar-Vell by Acey & Iron FistCharlie by RedHotColossus by KongCrashman by Laspacho & ExcursionCutman by ExcursionCyclops by RedHotDan by ScarDeadpool by The UnlimitedDee Jay by ScarDonovan by KongDr. Doom by KongEvil Ryu by VynFirebrand by Acey & The Great MatsutzuGalactus by ExcursionGambit by RedHotGill by KongGreen Goblin by AceyGuile by RedHotHaggar by AceyHayato by VynHulk by Kong & AceyHuitzil by Jedah12Hulk 2099 by AceyHuman Torch by Acey & x-boyHydron by Trasgo7Ibuki by KongIceMan (Capcom) by ExcursionIceman (Marvel) by KongIronman by KongJedah by KongJill by SludgeJon Talbain by SabakiJuggernaut by AceyKen by ScarKenji by SabakiLilith by SludgeLou by Laspacho, The Anvil & Trasgo7M. Bison by KongMagneto by KongMarrow by SludgeMegaman by ChAoTiCMetalman by Laspacho & ExcursionMorrigan by EMWMorph by The Anvil & AceyMr.
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