In Memoriam 2 Crack No Cd
Since Thunderfall has actually posted a NO-CD patch (AKA 'crack') in a different thread, and many have asked in this section about running Civ II MGE with no CD, I'll make some comments and include the link of TF's post.TF's thread is here:And the NO-CD crack is here:The No-CD PatchFWIW, I downloaded and tested it. It works just fine on Civ II MGE 5.4.0f.This No-CD patch is for a specific machine file (Civ2.exe) and specific version (MGE, 1.3). If you patch your Civ2.exe file with another program (like the Fascist Patch), you may well screw the pooch.Rule #1: Make backups of everything first, and do patching in a separate directory (See detailed instructions further down).Rule #2: 'Double patches' are generally unsafe. E.g., don't expect to patch with Fascist, then NO-CD (or visa versa). Then rename the.EXE file (e.g., Civ2Fascist.exe, or Civ2NoCD.exe) and make a shortcut to the new SINGLE patched.EXE.Note: Double patched.EXEs are possible though unlikely, and you should not try it unless you can read machine language and alter byte codes by hand.
But if you can already do that, you probably won't need to be reading what I'm writing here, LOL.Here is the crack's (probably inadequate for most people) readme file instructions. Click to expand. I've used a very similar patch for 2 years.
In Memoriam 2 Crack No Cd Player
It is especially great for laptops, or SCSI machines with the CD Drives deactivated.MY RECOMMENDED INSTALL PROCEDUREThe way I like to use NO-CD patches such as this one are to modify the original.EXE file (Civ2.exe), but keep the original.EXE intact. Then I make a new shortcut icon to launch the NO-CD.EXE file. This way, I start either version (the unmodified.EXE, or the patched 'NO-CD'.EXE version).This is what I personally do:1. Go to your Civ II directory.2. Copy the Civ2.exe file to a temporary location, like maybe c:3.
In Memoriam 2 Crack No Cd Player
Extract the file to your temporary location (like c:)4. Change directories to the tem. Location (like c:)5. You should now see both the Civ2.exe and the files (and maybe other files too, but that's OK)6. Double click (program runs and reports patch was successful)7. You can delete the now8.

Rename the Civ2.exe to Civ2NO-CD.exe9. Move the Civ2NO-CD.exe (or whatever you renamed it to) to your Civ2 directory10. Make a shortcut icon to your Civ2NO-CD.exe file11. Put the new shortcut icon wherever you'd like.12.

You can now choose to start your original Civ2.exe file with the icon you've always used, OR you can start it with No CD required using the new icon!!COMMENTSAfter a little more investigation, I discovered this particular crack is not just similar to the NO-CD Civ II crack I've used for 2 years, but it is in fact the same exact one! The changes to the.EXE are identical.For those that don't use cracks very often, or that don't know much about the registry and programming. You should be very very careful when using a crack. 99.9+% do their job honestly, but a small number are actually Trojans ('Trojan Horses').A Trojan masquerades as one thing, but does another. For example, one particluar Quake III NO-CD crack installs Back Orifice (a nasty 'remote control' program) on your system.
Which allows a hacker to have full access and control of your machine without your knowledge. If you can at least view your registry, you can spot this one easily. It is activated in the Registry Key:HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunMany others Trojans are activated here, too. If you don't have a good registry editing program (like Norton's), you can use the MS Regedit. Go to Start menu - Run - and type 'regedit' (don't use quotes).
An Explorer-looking program will pop up, and you just navigate according to the above 'path'.Memorize (write down) what is in your Registry key, and after you install a crack and run the cracked program at least once, go back and take a look at this key for new/suspicious activity.BOTTOM LINE: If you have no clue what I'm talking about, and don't wish to know, then never apply a crack until you.know. for sure it is 'good' and 'clean'.

Worst case, all your personal data (including passwords for everything you do) on your machine and entire network can be compromised, and/or hard drive contents trashed.
This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( March 2008) A No-disc crack, No-CD crack or No-DVD crack is an file or a special 'byte patcher' program which allows a user to circumvent certain schemes. They allow the user to run without having to insert their required. This act is a form of.
No-CD cracks specific to a variety of games and other software distributed on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM can be found on the Internet from various websites or networks.
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